Inspire Others

Inspire OthersInspiring others will lead you nothing but gratitude and remembrance for the things you have shown others. A wise man named Nipsey Hussle once said, ” The highest human act is to inspire”. As Nipsey Hussle said and we will forever remember the work […]

Define Your Happiness

Define Your HappinessWhat’s Happiness? Happiness has a lot of definitions that we associate with it. Do we truly know what happiness is though? Most people think happiness is associated with with being rich, living in a big house, owning expensive cars and overall just living […]

A Special Few

The Misunderstood This is for the one’s staying up late pursuing something greater than themselves. This is for the ones who stay late at work to make ends mean. This is for the ones who wake up and early go get it. This is for […]

Be Consistent

Stop Lacking & Be Consistent Consistency is definitely key as people always say we are always losing focus for things we shouldn’t even be concerned about like concert tickets, the next shoe we are going to wear, the parties, etc. All those points I made […]

Be Thankful

Be Thankful I want every single one of you just be thankful everyday no matter what time it is, the season, or even the time. Just be thankful for everything. The roof under your head, and even the blog posts I have the opportunity to […]