You are already Lucky

Most already blessed. Chances are, you were born with two hands and two legs.You’re not homeless, and you can work if you want to. Realize that even if you weren’t given more you may still get what you want if you are willing to work for it. You are already blessed.  Never forget.


The ability to reflect alone is essential to human growth. Due to our cellphones, we’ve become the only group that isn’t doing this. The most common kind of distraction today is using a phone. We instantly engage in the quick satisfaction of brief content before […]

Big Stakes

Play games with higher stakes because if the challenge isn’t enough to bring out the best in you, you’ll take that challenge and make it tougher than it needs to be in order to bring out the best in you.

You About It?

The majority of us are all talkers.  Even you, the reader, are most likely all talk.  You claim you desire this or that, but when it comes time to act, you fall short. It’s fine if you don’t want it strongly enough; just quit lying to yourself. But if you’re serious about it, it’s time to put your money […]

Do As You Please

Betty White passed away just two months ago.  She was a trailblazer.  Talented.  Famous.  Adored. Except for this post, you didn’t think about her today. Consider how few people will care if you die.  You’re going to perish.  No one cared then, and no one cares now.  You can do whatever you want. ©Opare Asihene. All rights reserved

Sight But No Vision

Being able to see but unable to see is a predicament far worse than being blind.  It renders you blind, but not blind. Although you can see, your vision is hazy. You’re still alive, but you’re lost. There is no such thing as an anchor.  There is a choice, but no guidance. It’s all based on chance. Everything is transient. ‘Having a vision for life is to hammer it into existence.’  In the vastness of reality, you take a chisel and carve a route to greatness.  The majority of people live their lives without a clear vision of what they want to achieve.  They should serve as a cautionary story for you.  You’ve come to achieve greatness. Your goal is to achieve your vision.  You wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for it.

1% Percent Game

It’s a.01 percent game for you.  Everyone in the arena gets a friendly reminder. The majority of people never get started. A few people make an attempt. Even fewer persevere.  Winning in business, content, art, or any extreme objective, I believe, is half iteration and half survival.  Continue to learn and be persistent. You’re going to make it. This why the it’s a 1% game

For You

Thank you. Just thank you. You & I aren’t the same race, Color, ethnicity, or person I just want to thank you. Thank you for being understandable, kind, & important in my life. You came out of the blue & I had no clue you’d […]

Rules to live by for your 20s

Rules to live by for your 20s. Disclosure: for a once and a lifetime offer! Use the link below to get 50% off all apple products and free shipping. Firstly, I wanted to make this post because I turn 20 today. I have been […]

Title of the document Be Unapologetically You Being Unapologetically Yourself. So, you may be confused on what exactly this means. I don’t want to hop around like a rabbit and waste your time about this concept. Now, that got your attention, I’ll tell you right […]


Imagination is a path to the life we want Our imagination is our biggest gift in this life. We consciously spend 30% of our time day dreaming. It is said that we fall asleep dreaming about perfect scenarios in our head. Truly, we want to […]

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Point A

At the end of the day, it’s the improvement that we seek & the curiosity that we seek after. Every single day, we need to ask ourselves, were we better than the effort we put yesterday? If not, we not figure out what we can […]

Don’t you get it?

The majority of us, in my opinion, are pursuing the sensation that we are finally “obtaining it at the moment” or “living all right,” but in practice, those moments are rare. A lot of people obtain higher education or a position with false reputation in order to give the impression that their lives are steady. It isn’t and never will be. Makes us question what truly is the goal we are seeking. The problem is that simply “being” is nihilistic. Humans are naturally driven to change the world, to create and destroy things. Consider that the only option is to “get it,” and after that becomes old, go on to the next thing.