[bctt tweet=””Make mental health a priority”” username=”mindofopare”]
Mental Health is an important thing we often forget to realize because of how it can damage our body without us even realizing it. The month of May is dedicated to people with mental health issues in the United States and I wanted to address that because of how we should never ignore people with mental health traits.
The first thing I wanted to talk about is an important issue that’s currently going on in the United States which is currently going on in the United States which is, mental health. Mental Health can be defined as, ” a person’s condition regarding their physiological and emotional well-being“. People can look normally fine and normal through everyday activities but do we actually know what’s going on inside their head? We can feel at our best one day and feel struck down the next. We can truly never know whats going inside our heads or with one another so its best that we always check on those who are important to us. It could be our friends, siblings, family members, employees, teachers, coaches, etc. Mental Health month is adhered to the month of May but we all should check on our mental health everyday. Not just once a day, every second of our lives because it change how a person is truly feeling about themselves. I want to check on yourself and the others you care about because nobody deserves depressed thoughts or feel like they’re unworthy or feel like a burden. If you ever are feeling down you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline to make and a person on the line will talk to you to make sure you’re feeling okay and not having suicidal thoughts. I am also here for you all if you ever feel that. You’re important. You’re beautiful. You’re strong. Keep preserving through the tough times because they don’t last forever.