Time Management Time Management is an important skill everyone needs to master in their lives and know how it can truly affect you if you don’t use it wisely. Being in collegiate athlete means I have a lot on my plate and using my time […]
Subscribe and Share!
Subscribe and Share!You read my blog, why not subscribe and share? Subscribe to the newsletter for important news and updates about my blog. It’s valuable that you subscribe and share because grows my blog to new people who need positive thinking and awareness in their […]
Head Up
Head UpLife takes a lot of twists and turns. It often keeps us on our feet preparing for whats next and challenges us to react or back down from that certain challenge. When things don’t go our way, we often put our head down and […]
Show, Don’t Tell
Show, Don’t TellThere is an old common saying, “We don’t want to show them our dreams, we want to tell them” and in this instance, its better than we show instead of telling people our dreams. A dream is simply a goal waiting to happen. […]
3 MONTHS3 MONTHS! We have three months before the year 2020. A new decade is upon us and it is up to myself, you, and others to finally take that risk. That dream job you want? Go after it. That body you want? Go work […]
Failure is Needed
Failure is NeededWe must fail. If you don’t get it right the first time? Fail. Didn’t do it correctly? Fail. It may sound repetitive to you but, failure is the only route to succeed. I’ve failed plenty of times, PLENTY. Those failures were not pretty […]
html> UpdateHello Everyone! I am sorry I haven’t been blogging as much as a I should have. I have been busy trying to invest in bitcoin, build a new eCommerce business, soccer, and school. Life has been pretty busy for me but I will release […]
Never Satisfied
Never SatisfiedYou should never be satisfied with yourself, ever! There’s always something that you want to achieve or improve upon no matter what you’re currently facing in your life. Always plan ahead and want more for yourself. Now, people think that’s a selfish thing to […]
Speak Into Existence
Speak Into ExistenceWhatever you have planned for the next 12 months I want you to speak into existence by chasing those goals and staying on the course. It can get hard sometimes but we need to pick our heads up and keep moving. Moving is […]
Till You Make It
Till You Make ItWant to hear something? Nobody cares until you make something out of yourself. I know that sounds mean and very depressing to hear but it’s true because people will only congratulate you when they see you succeeding. People tend to only call […]