Imagination is a path to the life we want
Our imagination is our biggest gift in this life.
We consciously spend 30% of our time day dreaming. It is said that we fall asleep dreaming about perfect scenarios in our head. Truly, we want to find what makes our mind so great.
Today, I will be telling you how imagination can get you everything you want in this life.
For example, let’s say you won the lottery. The big money cash prize of $1 Billion dollars. Take it all in. Although, you may think its fake, you actually won. All the green money that you see on the table. As your eyes open up and see the big money prize in front of you. All the cheers and crowds from the room make you go ecstatic. Then, all of a sudden you wake up from that dream. True manifestation of you holding money with and a dream coming to life.
Now, here is the part, where you have to, get truly obsessed. The idea of winning.
The man who has no imagination has no wings.”
This may seem like a lunatic thing to do but its not. It’s rational. This may seem like you’re suffering from addiction but it’s clearly an obsessed.
Seriously, get obsessed. Think about it everyday. Morning and night. Every single second until as long as you live. You can probably hear the crowd clapping and cheering for you now. You’re going to keep thinking about it until it happens.
All riled up and excited. The feelings of butterflies in chest making you cheerful and anxious. Remember this feeling as long as you live. Don’t hold any of this back at all. You will try to convince yourself that none of this is worth it. That’s where you’re wrong.
Truly, worth all the pain and suffering you will go through. It will feel like a drug and and more importantly a good one. It will make you stare at a wall thinking if it will ever happen. You will have trouble seeing if this manifestation will ever come true.
Then, you’ll ask the universe if you asked for too much.
The universe will say, “I’m guiding you to what you deserve”
Of course, you might feel angry it didn’t happen. But, you did ask for alot, maybe more than you can handle. You will ask again and again. The universe may give you a portion of it if you’re lucky.
Now, here is where others give up. They don’t really chase after their dream but, stop working for it. Now, we are real with ourselves 24/7 and want the best for ourselves. As soon as, you feel like it’s impossible to complete, it’s over. Then, you’ll start having doubts on why you even dreamed that much.
Many people hold on to their dreams but, don’t do anything. Don’t be one of those people. That’s where our dreams die and fade out. They think it’s out of arms reach and call it the “impossible”. The problem is you’re not good enough.
And you’ll slowly start to develop the skills to make that dream happen. Next, your brain will wire all that information to make it actually happen. Any other person would have have quit and never tried again. But, you’re not just any other person. You’re a go getter. Literally, an obsessed lunatic to make your dreams work.
Then, when it finally works.
Furthermore, your obsession will be back.
Obsessed with changing your life.
The universe will keep testing you to see if you’re persistent enough to make it happen.
Although, it may be hard. You never stop trying until it happens.
Now, the figment of your imagination has turned into a reality. All the manifestation and hard work is possible and turned out fine. Nothing is as beautiful as you imagine. The feelings fade away pretty quickly. Now, you’re afraid you will lose it all. Or becoming more confident and less shy with the person you’re. Subsequently, you see what type person you want to be.
Then, it will all make sense.
If you actually achieve the goal and aren’t lucky. Your mentality will change and how you see the world. Moreover, you’ll see the abundance in the universe and everything it s giving you. See that life is about doing more and more and how much it offers us.
In conclusion, we will make those dreams work.