According to Forbes magazine, on average at least 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Which means, they rely on a paycheck to survive on a day to day basis.
See, that’s the problem. That statistic sounds awful enough and never want to be at that point where I have to work everyday just to barely make ends mean.
We have the power to make something for ourselves just from a laptop. All you really need is a laptop and a wifi connection.
I want to work as hard as I can these next few years of my life so I am not apart of that statistic.

We were all made for greatness but we cannot become greatness itself if we don’t work hard enough. Create, create and create.
Create something that provide value to people’s lives will get you where you want to be in life. That’s how you will get ahead in this life.
It could impactful, entertaining, inspiring, etc. whatever the case might be just make sure it has value and brings value to the lives of others.
Adding value to life is essential. Only then can we feel good about our accomplishments and have a deep sense of motivation about the coming days. Great words here!