Before I dig deep into this post, I want to say Rest In Peace to Virgil Abloh, 41, who tragically died of cancer. My heart is with your family, friends, supporters and anyone else who was inspired by your work.
You inspired a generation & were truly one of your kind.
The crazy thing about life is we never truly know when our time will be up. I didn’t even found out his passing until later on today. The modern day creative of African Descent has taught me something as I look more into his documentaries, life, philosophies, and so much more.
It’s not about the fashion, streetwear or the brand he was attached too, it’s about our vision.
You may be wondering, “vision”? “What could that possibly, have anything to do with this post?”
Good question, I will explain it right now.
This quote by Virgil really showed me that life is too precious to be wasted on the small things and worries that might trouble our day to day lives. The quote goes:
“Life is so short you can’t waste even a day subscribing to what someone thinks you can do versus knowing what you can do” – Virgil Abloh
Being a creative that he was, he was bound to be subjected to criticism. People were gonna say something to him whether it was positive or if it could a grown man cry. Although, nobody wants to hear that their art isn’t good enough or song isn’t the best, they won’t care.
You know why? They have a vision. Picture a Lion in the African safari. Envision you’re the lion and you see zebra sitting in the distance. Will you rise up to the occasion or starve? Well, I will let you think about that one. Point being, he had a vision of what he wanted to do in life & he make it become a reality.
Many of the streetwear will see today in fashion shows & in the big retailers are inspired by him. Crazy to think about, right? All came from a vision bigger than himself.
Virgil is a modern day creative and the last thing he thought he should be doing is living life through a cubicle or the so called, “American Dream”. You know being stuck in traffic in the morning, fake laughing to your co-workers as you want to get off in the evening to see your wife and kids but too tired to even do anything.
You know what I’m talking about? Yeah, that sounds like a living hell. Here’s what Virgil had to say about it:
I was like never meant to, like, work and then turn it off and sit on the couch. I just have a vision, and I’m inspired by it. It’s sort of what makes me tick.
Virgil Abloh
Doesn’t that want to make you want to chase your dreams? Damn right it does. I don’t want to go on the whole motivation schpeel where you feel motivated by this post to where you want to go run a marathon after this. I won’t do that to y’all. I’m just here telling you what he did & how he brought his work to life.
Virgil, you were truly one of a kind, even though, I never met you, I wish I would’ve. Rest easy.
Growing Godly [email protected] Born For Us: Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6)
Xtianity sucks. It never ceases to amaze me why people permit and tolerate this utter and complete narishkeit\non sense. The Title of this scatterbrained narishkeit serves as evidence of plucking a verse taken totally out of the contexts of its containing sugia\sub chapter. This Goy disgraces the good name of Goyim. “What an idiot!” – Hermione, ‘Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone’, 2001.
The sugia which contains this aborted p’suk\verse/ … ישעיה ח:יט-ט:ו. How does the conclusion of that sugia understand the opening thesis statement of that same sugia? The sugia opens with rebuke:
דרשו אל האבות ואל הידענים המצפצפים והמהגים … search to medium witches and their like who make chirping and speak narishkeit. T’NaCH exists as the earliest codified format of Jewish common law. Xtianity in 2000+ years remains ignorant of this fundamental fact.
This religion infamous for its criminal auto-da-fé war crimes against humanity, starting in the 15th through 19th Centuries. Napoleon utterly despised and detested the Catholic arrogance and abuse of power. He freed the Jews falsely imprisoned into the ghetto gulags only to have the church force the Jews back to wearing the garments of disgrace and ghettos immediately after Russia and Britain and Austria defeated Napoleon’s army at the battle of Waterloo.
The Talmud, written and codified about 1000 years after the sealing of the T’NaCH. This latter codification of Jewish law — too a common law system of jurisprudence. During the Middle Ages, most especially after publication of the Rambam code which perverted the priority of logic over law, Jewish commentaries on the Talmud emphasized the learning of law books over the practice of law. Post Rambam, Jewish societies in g’lut witnessed a marked deterioration and decline that continued till well after the Shoah. The Reform rebellion against the T’NaCH, Talmud. and Siddur, perhaps the nadir of g’lut Jewry – the result of false imprisonment of the Jewish people for a period of time approaching 4 Centuries of ghetto starvation and oppression.
Church narishkeit theology its unstable grasp of T’NaCH “scriptures”, perhaps served as the basis by which the church felt compelled to foist a completely Greek notion – Heaven vs. Hades (These unlettered goons do not know how to learn common law.) – as the foundation of the xtian notions touching “faith”. The vile auto-da-fé public torture and murder of innocent Men women and children, not a single European Courtroom has ever condemned these repeated war crimes against humanity. The church burned victims alive on pyre fires as a show,,, attempting to depict perverted ideas touching the flames of Hell – to terrify ignorant peasant spectators, and assure their obedience to church authority.
European courts have a long tradition of imposing State power over the feudal serf populations; they have never sought to rule any land of Europe with justice. Recently the EU has attempted to foist an International Criminal Court (ICC) upon Israel. This jester fool court, like Brussels and the UN, assumes that Jews remain in the pre-1948 status of stateless refugees populations, which have no country of our own. This places the church on par with Brussels and its jester idiotic ICC court – none of these “official bodies” has the least bit knowledge that the T’NaCH stands as the first common law codification of Jewish common law.
But wearing a black robe and sporting a white wig does not transform an ignorant ass, who sports strong prejudices, into an educated human being. All European courts, throughout history, labor to impose the power of the State upon subject populations. The Rome treaty does not determine “international law”, despite the noise the ICC shouts to the contrary. The absurd attempt to ram the Rome treaty down the throats of Israel – Bunk. This attempt to isolate Israel and force feed it with foreign European court rulings … fools the Jewish people of the State of Israel, we do not compare to Foie Gras – idiots.
Common Law stands on the יסוד of precedents. The Gemarah learns each and every Case\Rule Mishna by making a study of precedents. The Gemerah style – Difficulty\Answer – challenges all possible precedents which the sages sought to learn and understand a specific Case\Rule Mishna. As mentioned above, the study of the Talmud, by which virtually all later commentaries on the Talmud, made it their priority to study law books rather than Jewish common law jurisprudence – to what does this ירידת הדורות compare?
As a young yeshiva bochur, whenever some rabbi would express comparable cavalier attitude of absolute ignorance and dogmatically preach ירידות הדורות, this would invariably turn my stomach. Something on par with the Nazi dogmatism of Untermensch! Rabbinic yabber as if ירידות הדורות, existed as a fore gone conclusion, completely out of our hands – to control and change. Many rabbinic authorities clung to this vile dogmatism when I lived in Beit Shemesh. This disgusting dogmatism promoted by many rabbinic moron authorities, greatly contributed to my decision to leave that city permanently.
Many Orthodox rabbis fall into the trap, which so characterizes Xtian theology & narishkeit, specifically – rabbinic authority hinges upon their reading, external knowldege, of classic sources. But any person with the Will to read rabbinic literature, makes that person no more an expert upon common law jurisprudence than it does Xtians who bang their bibles on table, like as repeatedly did Jimmy Swaggart. Fear of Heaven eventually defines the reputation of all public figures. Swaggart’s arrogant balloon pooped when the public realized that he consorted with paid for sex prostitutes. Something like Khrushchev’s condemnation of Stalin … which resulted in Mao’s rejection of the Soviet socialist alliance with China.
The long bloody criminal history of the church abuse and perversion of power, ‘Fear of Heaven’ now bites this criminal deviant religion, and Xtian priests and preachers have no where to hide or run. Reactionary Xtians can now only pretend to preach “the Good News” in the hopes that their flocks remain ignorant and totally unaware of the repeated, in almost every generation, church war crimes against humanity. Alas “by their fruits you shall know them”, this rebuke – it exposes the disgrace of the church for all eyes to see.
The blood of the tortured and murdered, does not cease to cry out for justice. The church – Catholic, Protestant, Mormon etc – bears the mark of Cain for all eternity. The preachy preach “Good News and great commission” stands in the shadows of church war crimes guilt, repeated over and again against humanity. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin Dada, Nicolae Ceausescu, Syngman Rhee, and Augusto José Ramón Pinochet, these criminals cast their nets of torture rape and mayhem, and then they died in a generation perhaps two; but church criminal guilt has defiled humanity with non stop cruelty, murder, and death for 2000+ years!
The the call of the shofar blasts – Fear of Heaven. Who living today makes the choice to ignore the call of the shofar, which sounds the din for Justice? Till now Goyim have paid scant attention to the blowing of the shofar every Rosh HaShannah; the fast of Yom Kippur has remained totally ignored. The blowing of the shofar – defines the faith, also known as: ‘Fear of Heaven’. Before any common law court declares the guilt of a Capital Crimes Criminal – the sages blow the shofar. The voice of the shofar, it combines with the blood of Abel. Both plead to HaShem, they cry for justice.
Let’s learn. Shall bring a slightly removed precedent, then shall over shoot and bring a precedent slightly distant. Then the target enemy bracketed by precedents, shall fire for effect, and slaughter enemy forces without remorse or mercy.
ישעיה ז:ז-ט. As HaShem commanded the Moshiach anointing of Shaul and David, so too HaShem commands the Moshiach anointing of all kings of Yechudah and Israel. For a man, even a king, to assume that he determines victory in war, all prophets have denounced this impudence as foolish and most unwise. The over-shot: ישעיה מא:א-ז. Standing before the revelation of HaShem in this world, the tumah Yatzir Ha’Rah calls upon the Names of other Gods. Both Xtianity and Islam shout and declare — They represent the true faith! Both this and that declare alien foreign Names as the One God!
Fire for effect: יעיה נב:ג This sugia teaches its mussar in one verse. The vanity of false rabbinic authorities results in g’lut. But the righteous justice of HaShem weighs the hearts of Israel, like as when prophets anointed kings as Moshiach. Do we make t’shuvah for assimilation? This question stands in the scales of justice all post 1948 and 1967 Jewry. In 1948 and again in 1967 HaShem anointed Israel with the holy oils of geulah. Now stands the generations born there after, shall we make the Torah the written Constitution of our Republic? Shall we restore the lateral common law Sanhedrin Federal Courtrooms by rebuilding the 6 Levitical Cities of Refuge? These questions, they judge each and every generation of bnia brit Israel who walk before HaShem today.
Thanks for teaching me something new once again, feel to share this article or reblog it if you found it interesting !
2 thumbs up.