The College life.
A lifestyle I never thought I would experience.
Yet, I am here now.
Then, it has been a thrilling adventure.
Even thought, it might not be what I want, I want connections.
So, I am going to make the best of any situation.
Now, provide life lessons for all.
So, I can use them in the real world.

Grades aren’t everything we make them out to be.
It won’t translate to the real world.
Now, do what the sane person would do.
Even though, people don’t listen.
Learn high value skills that are of importance.
Coding, web design, Google Ads, etc.
The College Life Experience
The college life is different for everyone.
See, college has opened my eyes to know it’s not really needed.
But, everyone’s opinion is different.
For example, I love self-learning and building.
Now, we must create something that will last.
College won’t do that for you.
Unless, you’re in a certain major for it.
So, do what you think is right.
Don’t listen to outside forces on a controversial subject.
Listen to the gut feeling.
Now, I am not saying to ignore.
But, you need to do what’s best for you in life.
That’s simply how it works.
Bend the rules a little.
Unless, you want to live a life you setttled for.
Create the environment and the life you want.
College may or may not do that for you.
So, you can get drunk now or do the dirty work.
Living the life you want was never easy.
Nothing good ever comes easy at all.
Now, it may suck but its worth the pain and sacrifice.
Although, everyone is different.
That’s what makes college so diverse for everyone.
I have to find my own path and do what’s best for me.
Now, I have a future to create.