Most people believe they have a lot of time on their hands. You don’t have it. Start your own company. Make a family for yourself. Take that journey. Make some cash. Assist others. Make friends with others. Purchase some land. Construct a home. Simply put, DO MORE. Before you realize it, your life is over. Did not want to this to scare you but you anything can happen in life. Everything you can dream of or wanted to be, make sure you do everything in one possible lifetime. As […]
Tag: thoughts
What Could’ve Been
We always sacrifice long term pleasures for instant gratification. Don’t live your life in regret in thinking of what could’ve been.
How People View You
Social media has completely taken over are lives like we are in another reality. People posting infographics about racial inequalities of people acting like they care but the same energy disappears a week later I promise we didn’t follow you for your political opinion but […]
The Deranged Creative
Trapped in the crevice of my mind thinking what’s the purpose of this meaningful creation in front of me? Does this product provide value to others or is this some lingering thought in the back of my mind that was needed to be brought out? […]
Wake Up.
– You didn’t do that workout. – That project you’ve been putting off. – That girl you haven’t asked out yet. All of them are minor LOSSES. To you, they may appear to be “nothing” today. You’ll notice one day when you wake up. Success Builds on itself. Failure has a similar effect. Please don’t notice when it’s too late because by then you will be wishing of what you could’ve done. © Opare Asihene. All rights reserved
Opinions Of Others
The more successful you become, the less interested you are in what others think of you. Opinions become less and less important as you gain more self-validation through fulfilling goals. Essentially, all you care about is what you can do to help yourself and those […]
You’re Only Your Age Once
You listening? Good. Everyday you don’t work on the things that you do, it goes by. You‘re only your age once. That means each day that passes by you lose valuable time. I’m not hear to scare you I’m just hear to say it It’s […]
The Vivid Dreamer
As dusk starts to hit dawn, the vivid dreamer pictures what his life could be. Picturing all the wildest possibilities of what could be but isn’t. That’s because he’s the vivid dreamer. Day dreaming endless possibilities of what his life could be by hard work […]
The Life We Chose
Is this the life we chose? Or did this life choose us? Moreover, the story is still being written Flying throughout the night like a Griffin You would think that they’re hidden I’m just kidding about the current bidding All our stories are still being […]