You won’t immediately run into the open space of success. If you think success is like a rocket ship going into outer space or a track athlete running the 200 meter dash, you’re wrong. Success wasn’t meant to be easy for anyone. That’s what makes it so fulfilling to accomplish goals that you set out for yourself. You’re not going to have immediate success with anything and that’s fine because it takes time and hard work to reach your goals and dreams.
Years of hard work and dedication makes perfect sense on why you see people like Kevin Hart, Bruce Jenner, Kayne West and other celebrities. The common theme on why they are so known for what they’re is because of the work ethic that they put in. I’ve been learning for quite sometime now that success isn’t merely given to you and it won’t be easy by any means at all. Work smart but work hard and clearly for what you want. You need to work for what you want in this world or you will never have it. My take on all this is to fail. Failure leads to success and goes back to my point on why success isn’t a straight line and it takes you multiple attempts to accomplish a certain task to do.