Slave To Social Media

Automatic processing our brains of hearing our names is similar to being glued to our phones.

Being a slave to social media is taking a major toll on my life and without a doubt it’s taking a toll on yours too.

It’s messing up your social life, finances, and mentally.

The human invention of the phone is exerting all of time and energy into something we are not passionate about.

Tons of hours on screen time and not getting much done in the day.

Social media doesn’t only makes us feel lazy & unhappy , it makes us compare our day to day lives to others.

There is a term that is called “ comparison is the thief of joy” . We constantly see a bunch of other people posting different pictures and it makes it look like we are competing with one another. A competition of who’s living the best life and who’s doing what. Little do they know, we are at on our own marathon.

There are times I wish I could post a picture of myself reading, working on content from this blog & publishing it but that’s not how it works sadly. Someone is always posting something that we must up one. By up one, I mean doing better than their previous attempt.

Social Media has taken away a portion of my life that I will never get back but has also realized it has gotten me over my own expectations of what to expect from myself and what I want from this life.

I may fall flat on my face but if I embrace imperfections and don’t victim blame of myself will help me in the long run.

Hiking a trail of what I can do and not see what others post on social media will only help invest in myself and my potential later down the road.

Social Media can be a slave to us but we don’t even realize how much energy it takes away from us.

Don’t be a slave to your phone, I never want to feel this way ever again.