Focus on learning and creating.
Now, that’s not ideal for everyone.
Then, you think, why’s that?
In a consumer society, that’s the last thing we want to do.
Also, it doesn’t pertain to what we want at all.
We spend so much of our time consuming.
Consuming pointless information in our day to day lives.
So, why not learn something new?
Even though, that learning might not benefit us, we should still learn something new.
Although, its not ideal.
While, our best friend Jim is watching Netflix.
They say everything is good in moderation.
So, don’t even feel bad.
Learning something new excites the eye.
Then, you see a whole new world.
Focus on learning and creating.
I wasn’t always like this you know.
I used to watch Saturday morning cartoons and stayed up and played video games.
So, yes, me saying that defeats the purpose of this article.
Now, don’t get mad, I am just being transparent.
Transparency is needed more online nowadays.
Learn more than you consume.
Consumerist societies are the backbone of societies.
We never create unless we are told.
While, this lets our creativity die out.
I absolutely hate that idea and it shouldn’t be like this.
So, do what the 99% of others won’t do.
Then, implement it in your life.
You need to Create and Learn

Creators bring more to the table.
As we speak you’re consuming rather than creating.
Although, I may be wrong.
Creating just feels right.
After, you create a repetitive cycle happens.
It repeats over and over again.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with that at all.
Even though, you may seem lost but create for the better.
Life will change for you.
Life will change at a pace you didn’t realize.
Creators are some of your favorite people.
Bloggers like me, You-tubers, influence-rs, etc.
Create till you can’t no more.