Accepted or rejected.
In a society full of doers and under achievers, we are two things.
Accepted or rejected.
Now, this can apply to a lot of people.
So, it may apply to you as we speak.
Then, you will really start to wonder if it does.
While, people are worried about fitting in.
Stand out from the rest of society.
Jump out with a smirk on your face as we speak.
Fly like you could never before.
So, you know what all that all has in common?
Sounds like people who are not liked.
That means to stand out.
Separate yourself from the crowd.
Ride in your own lane from the others.
Jump in head first and do your own thing.
Although, that might be dramatic, it needs to be done.

Actively as people want to fit in so badly.
Literally makes no sense.
In this lifetime, I’d rather cook up something bizarre than to be liked.
Extraordinary people bring extraordinary pleasures in life.
Stop caring so much about what people think of you.
I have heard this so many times I can count.
Leaping out to something amazing than being stagnant.
So, act out and stand out.
Society has a weird way of telling us what we can and cannot do.
I would hate to be like everyone else.
Where’s the fun in that?
As you’re reading this, please do not succumb to society’s standards.
Each of us have to be something that we are proud of.
So, why not be apart of your world?
Do your own thing and don’t look back one bit.
As someone who is called “weird” often, I embrace it all the way.
In short, never become what society wants you to be.
If you are different and comfortable the Way you are, you are free. It’s way better than conforming just to belong and get trapped in sadness and possibly depression. Being unique is golden as long as the intentions are good as Lisa has mentioned above.
That is true especially in the society we live in. We are expected to conform to the norm of society do what’s expected of us instead of being our true self.
I think being different is being beautiful 🙂 Great message in this poem!
We are all beautiful in our own way, so why not stand out ?
Nice piece and so very true! Weird is a good thing as long as the intentions are good. I’m a bit of a weirdo myself. 🙂 In a good way! LOL!