Focus like your life depends on it
How to build a successful future can be a very vague topic
So, let’s dive deep into it
Now, some of you may already know the answer to what I am going to say
You have already instilled something into your head of living the life of your dreams
Feels like diving off a cliff with all this adrenaline rushing to your head
I’ll make this simple for you to understand
All it takes 3-4 hours of sheer focus
Then, you need to maximize your tasks
Even though, you may not think its enough
Essentially, it is enough
Complete the hard tasks first
Delegating tasks from most important to least will save you a lot of time
How to build a successful Future lies within everyone one of us
Feels like shooting a bow & arrow at a bullseye
Then, the amount of focus that goes behind that
You may be at the range for hours but not until you hit the target
That’s how it feels building the future of your dreams
Nobody ever said it was going to be an easy ride, you just have to do it
So, take action on whatever you want to start
It could be for that girl you like, a course, business opportunity, just do it
Now, not to mix anything up, the success is by focusing
Focusing for 3-4 hours a day can help that out
Minimize distractions and just go all in on tasks that you want to do
Most importantly, put away your phone
Putting away your phone can save you a lot of time
Unnecessary texts, phone calls, notifications, etc
All of those things feel like a dopamine rush to our heads once we see it
Even though, it may be important, it can wait
Just like receiving a text while driving
It can wait until all the tasks are done