The majority of what you read and see online is meaningless rubbish. the stuff produced by unfulfilled, insecure people who fabricate images of themselves in order to feel validated. Disregard it all. The winners are those who lead real, enjoyable lives and achieve success.
Scheduled Programming
Choose your programming carefully and in light of the situation. I don’t think ethos should be applied to everyone. discover the way of thinking that will best position you or your group. being tribal What works for one group may not necessarily work for the next.
“Over-sentimentality, over-softness, in fact washiness and mushiness are the great dangers of this age and of this people. Unless we keep the barbarian virtues, gaining the civilized ones will be of little avail.” –Theodore Roosevelt
Conscious Decision
make deliberate choices every day to avoid joining the 95% of people who regret their actions as they lay dying. All across the board There’s a reason why so many people live in regret the way they do
You only need to iterate quickly until you hit the jackpot to be done. The majority of people lack even an iterative mentality. They simply see a challenge and give up.
The Spirited
Establish your identity. Describe the kind of person you aspire to be in writing. What you want to achieve, the ideals you want to live by, and the purpose you want to serve. Now imagine you’re that person. The building blocks for something solid will be values and principles. Good principles lead to dependable behavior. Hope you spend this time w family & friends. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.
Napoleon Bonaparte
he who saves a nation violates no law – napoleon