“We are mistaken when we look forward to death. The major portion of death has already passed. Whatever years be behind us are in deaths hands. Therefore hold every hour in your grasp, lay hold of today’s tasks. While we are postponing, life speeds by. Nothing is ours except time. We were entrusted by nature with the ownership of this single thing, so fleeting and slippery.” – Seneca’s Stoic Key To Live With Presence
The past is manifested in the present. The past is no longer with us, but it continues to exist at this now. Everything you are is made up of a compilation of prior decisions and acts; your current self and position are also made up of these.
Your future self already exists and is just waiting for the right moment to manifest. Everything you do right now shapes who you will become in the future. Your future self does exist, but it isn’t fixed in stone. You are continually building it, so ask yourself what you are making with each action. Forget about the past; this is set in stone and cannot be altered. Concentrate all of your efforts on the present moment. Living a better life now will help you live a better life later.
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