Author –https://instagram.com/jqckwhite?utm_medium=copy_link
I wanted to address what my friend Jack white said. A one of a kind email marketer, inspiration & even better person. If you have anything to do with e-commerce, life advice, email marketing.. I suggest you check him out.
He’s the reason for this post today. I keep reading it and realizing of how much sense it makes of what mental health struggles men go through in their daily lives.
Everyone expects men to go on w their life and be as strong as the eye can see but are they really? Men don’t speak as often as they need too and it hurts.
Men die from suicide at an alarming rate from this and at the end of the day it’s life.
This is the truth and the reality of it. We don’t understand why it happens that’s just what society tells us and how they expect us to feel when it does. We hope we can solve this narrative and get help for those who need it.
Anyone struggling with depression, anxiety or any type of negative thoughts, I am with you and will always be with you.