George Floyd, you will be missed.
You did not deserve what you happened to you by those officers. In memory of George Floyd, you’re forever in our hearts.
This post that I am writing to you all hurts. So, prepare to hear the pain in my voice reading this article.
There were not one but four officers that let him die.
Then, they sat there looking at his lifeless body.
Are you serious America?
Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Eric Gardner, Emmit Till, etc.
The list goes on and on and you expect people of color not be scared or stand up for themselves?
So, when will this issue ever be resolved?
I am tired watching the news each year and seeing innocent people die because of police brutality but, guess what.
Did you know, police brutality is now a leading cause of death for young black men in the US.
In contrary, what will be the solution to all the madness? We can’t keep letting the same recurring issue happen all the time.
Then, people wonder why we retaliate and have protests and deem us as “animals”
The chasing of people cars, the rock throwing, the shouting, etc.
So, know you see my issue here? This issue is redundant.
The doer of all evils needs to be put to an end.
Nonetheless, we are tired.
I am sorry this had to happen to you. May your soul rest in peace.
The cries running down our faces, running away just to feel safe, and just protection overall. Feel as if were being hunted like wild animals but, we’re not.
We are human and should feel accepted like anyone else on this planet.