Become Untouchable.
Don’t let any negativity, anger, or anxiety faze you. You are stronger than anything that is temporary.
Then, you will start to see a shift in your life and the things you do. For example, you might get mad at a test because you got a 60% and your friend got an 80%.
It feels like you failed the whole level of a video game with no memory card. You will dwell on that moment thinking, “How could I have done better?”. Each and every time that thought passes your mind.
The feeling will jump like static and you feel miserable. I come here to tell you don’t. Nevertheless, you can’t get it back.
This is what I mean to Become Untouchable.
So, you won’t have to worry about other outside distractions messing up your mantra and emotions. Deep within inside ourselves locks a true version of ourselves we want to release.
Then, we want to show that side to the world. Attack it head on like a lion. Fierce and powerful.
Never afraid of confrontation.
Therefore, don’t let something small get in the way. Like an annoying rodent in your home.
It’s way too easy to get thrown off about something bothering us. Life is too short for that.
Now, look at the bigger picture. So, you’re not angry at yourself for feeling a type of way. We always want to deal with inconsiderate things.
I used to be a victim of this. Even though I was, I won the battle.
It’s like the saying, you pick and fight your own battles.
The term I’m looking for is “stoic”. Essentially, never let any of your emotions get in the way of anything.
It will only make matters worse in the end.
Therefore, keep your emotions in tack.